Wednesday, 13 April 2016


Everyone can go through a period of time where they feel stressed, and find it hard to keep a positive mindset. I can sometimes be like that, and specially now that I have exams coming up, I often feel trapped within my own mind, and I need different things to help me stay positive all the time.
First of all, trying to eat healthy and exercising is a great way to keep yourself positive. You’ll start feeling good about yourself, and therefore you will be able to feel positive about other things as well. If you just sit in bed all day, and don’t do anything productive, it will be very easy to feel negative. 
Relaxing is not a bad thing, but being lazy is. If you decide to have a day off from work or studying, do something with your friends and family, don’t spend the day alone. Being around other people really helps keeping a positive vibe.
Sleep at least 7 or 8 hours per night. If you don’t get enough sleep, you’ll be grumpy the next day, and it will be much harder to get things done. As a result, you wont feel motivated and you won’t be productive. 
Have a day a week completely off social media and electronics. You could decide to spend this day with friends, or just get ahead with work. You could read, write or draw, which by the way is a great way to relax as well. 

These are my main tips for staying positive.
Let me know down below what are your best tips for staying positive and motivated.
 Love, Sara xx

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